CU Recruitment Ltd

Ethical Finance Recruitment

Understanding Salary Challenges

In the realm of ethical finance institutions, we understand that salary can pose a significant challenge in securing the ideal candidate. This is why we focus on identifying individuals who seek more than just financial compensation – those who are passionate about making a positive impact, contributing to their community, and thriving in a not-for-profit environment.


As specialists in ethical finance, we provide tailored guidance on the current job market specifically for ethical organisations. This includes assistance in shaping role profiles, crafting job descriptions, and designing remuneration packages aligned with your organisation's ethos.


At CU Recruitment, our mission is to empower ethical finance, with the aim of enhancing the financial wellbeing of communities across the UK. This mission is fundamental to our approach and service.


With nearly four years dedicated to working with not-for-profit companies, our experience in sourcing talent that not only possesses the right skills but also the right attitude for businesses like yours is extensive and well-proven.

All not-for-profit clients are entitled to our exclusive 20% discount on permanent recruitment fees.