CU Recruitment Ltd

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CU Recruitment

“We strive to be a fully autonomous extension of your organisation, a vital partner providing more than just staff”

James Rayner – Managing Director

About Us

Empowering Ethical Finance

We are the UK’s leading ethical finance recruitment specialist, offering a exclusive 20% reduction on all fees for ethical and not-for-profit organisations.

Our Expertise

We know your business

As a specialist recruiter within 10 different niche areas of financial services, our candidates are highly suited and of the highest quality.

Did you know...

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The average cost-per-hire in the UK is £3,000

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The average length of the job interview process in the UK is 27.5 days

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76% of hiring decision makers say attracting quality candidates is their number one challenge

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It costs employers 33% of a worker’s annual salary to hire a replacement if that worker leaves

We’re here to change that!

Our Clients


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